Homelessness and COVID-19

Updated every Thursday People experiencing homelessness are at risk for infection through community spread of COVID-19. The data below describes impacts of COVID-19 on individuals who are experiencing homelessness, whether they are able to access a congregate shelter or unsheltered (sleeping outside or in places not meant for human habitation).

For COVID-19 investigation purposes, people experiencing homelessness are defined as those who have lived on the streets or stayed in a shelter, vehicle, abandoned building, encampment, tiny house village/tent city, or supportive housing program (transitional or permanent supportive) at any time during the 12 months prior to COVID-19 testing, without evidence that they were otherwise permanently housed. Public Health, the Department of Community and Human Services, homeless service providers, healthcare providers, and the City of Seattle have partnered for increased testing in this community.


  • HTML Summary of COVID-19 Cases Among People Experiencing Homelessness or Associated with Homeless Response System HTML

    Updated every Thursday People experiencing homelessness are at risk for infection through community spread of COVID-19. The data below describes impacts of COVID-19 on individuals who are experiencing homelessness, whether they are able to access a congregate shelter or unsheltered (sleeping outside or in places not meant for human habitation). For COVID-19 investigation purposes, people experiencing homelessness are defined as those who have lived on the streets or stayed in a shelter, vehicle, abandoned building, encampment, tiny house village/tent city, or supportive housing program (transitional or permanent supportive) at any time during the 12 months prior to COVID-19 testing, without evidence that they were otherwise permanently housed. Public Health, the Department of Community and Human Services, homeless service providers, healthcare providers, and the City of Seattle have partnered for increased testing in this community.

CKAN dataset id 0bc882ab-df4b-4058-b0dd-1c2aa9b432fa
상태 active
url https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/homelessness-and-covid-19
버전 2024-02-02
라이선스 notspecified
accessLevel public
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catalog_@id https://data.kingcounty.gov/data.json
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harvest_source_id a91026a8-af79-4f8c-bcfe-e14f3d6aa4fb
harvest_source_title kingcounty json
identifier https://data.kingcounty.gov/api/views/nqri-czhj
issued 2,021-01-07
landingPage https://data.kingcounty.gov/d/nqri-czhj
modified 2,021-09-22
publisher data.kingcounty.gov
resource-type Dataset
source_datajson_identifier true
source_hash 6cf2105e05eff4c915f950e0e72348dd159249fa86ae1e3cc8537af1572fbbab
source_schema_version 1.1
theme {"Health & Wellness"}
담당자 King County Open Data
담당자 연락처 no-reply@data.kingcounty.gov
제공 기관 King County, Washington
최초 수집 일시 2024-02-20T23:28:19…
최근 수집 일시 2024-02-20T23:28:19…

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