Social and Economic Inequities and COVID-19 Outcomes

Locally and across the United States, social and economic inequities have placed certain communities at higher risk of COVID-19. Public Health - Seattle & King County developed a social and economic risk index (SERI) to examine social and economic disparities in COVID-19 outcomes. This dashboard shows the index at census tract-level for King County. Higher scores on SERI indicate communities with higher levels of social and economic risk, and lower scores indicate lower levels of risk.

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생성일시 2024-02-20T23:28:29.128130
아이디 8454acd4-3894-45c8-becb-9675c5032739
key 251b4526-019b-4e93-90fc-60d5b3cc84b0
메타데이터 수정일시 2024-02-20T23:28:29.099240
데이터셋 아이디 7e6f2541-94a5-4275-8288-c7700d914c2a
상태 active