Shellfish Area Town Line

Shellfish Area Classification Set:

The Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection cooperated with the Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Aquaculture to publish the Connecticut Shellfish Classification data. More recent information may be available from the Department of Agriculture since the time this information was originally published in 2007. For information or questions on shellfish area classifications contact the Connecticut Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Aquaculture (DA/BA). Mailing address: P.O. Box 97, Milford, CT, 06460, USA. Voice: 203-874-0696. Fax: 203-783-9976. E-mail: Final authority for the classification of any shellfish area rests with the DA/BA. One of a set of three 1:24,000-scale datalayers that represent the classifications of shellfish growing waters for the State of Connecticut shoreline towns. This datalayer is composed of polygon features. The shellfishing areas are delineated and classified by the DA/BA, which is the state shellfish control authority in Connecticut. The Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) applied information from the DA/BA to the hydrography data to create digital data of shellfish area classifications. DA/BA reassesses pollution sources and shellfish growing areas annually. The digital data is current to that effective date or last amended date recorded on the assessment date list (see supplemental information). This data is subject to change and the DA/BA may have more recent information for some areas. DEP cooperated with the DA/BA to publish the DA/BA Shellfish Area Classifications data. More recent shellfish classification information may now be available from DA/BA since the time this information was originally published in 2007. The three classification datalayers are feature based. Waterbodies, such as rivers and lakes and ponds, that appear as area features in the hydrography datalayer are classified in the Shellfish Area polygon shapefile. Smaller water bodies, such as streams and creeks, that appear as line features in the hydrography datalayer are classified in the Shellfish Area line shapefile. A separate point shapefile contains the marinas that are classified by DA/BA. Contact DA/BA or local health departments for additional information regarding the classification of marinas and anchorage areas. Three additional datalayers add to the classification picture. Markers, such as buoys, demarcation signs and piers, are referred to in DA/BA text describing the shellfish area classifications. The town boundary lines as depicted on DA/BA oyster/shellfish ground charts extend to the Connecticut/New York mid-Long Island Sound boundary line. The jurisdiction line on the charts indicates the boundary between state and town jurisdictional control over shellfish grounds. The jurisdiction line is separate from the shellfishing area classifications

The Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection cooperated with the Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Aquaculture to publish the Connecticut Shellfish Classification data. More recent information may be available from the Department of Agriculture since the time this information was originally published in 2006. For information or questions on shellfish area classifications contact the Connecticut Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Aquaculture (DA/BA). Mailing address: P.O. Box 97, Milford, CT, 06460, USA. Voice: 203-874-0696. Fax: 203-783-9976. E-mail: Final authority for the classification of any shellfish area rests with the DA/BA. This 1:24,000 scale layer depicts town boundary lines as shown on DA/BA oyster/shellfish ground charts. These boundary lines extend to the Connecticut/New York mid-Long Island Sound boundary line. This datalayer is composed of polygon features. See also the corresponding line feature class (Shellfish Area Town Line). This layer is intended to be used for cartographic purposes in conjunction with the 1:24


CKAN dataset id 82d1021f-ea17-4ba8-8991-36aa5378d851
상태 active
버전 2024-02-09
라이선스 cc-zero
accessLevel public
harvest_object_id f812ffbe-9af3-484f-88a4-9f71dfc4b958
harvest_source_id 36c82f29-4f54-495e-a878-2c07320bf10c
harvest_source_title Connecticut Data.json
issued 2,019-10-18
metadata_type geospatial
modified 2,021-02-19
old-spatial -73.7255,40.9500,-71.7814,42.0486
publisher Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
resource-type Dataset
source_datajson_identifier true
source_hash 3a29d4b24995d501b748c7aa59ad95e1affd59aace69d084e4efeca02575b3bf
source_schema_version 1.1
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-73.7255, 40.9500], [-73.7255, 42.0486], [-71.7814, 42.0486], [-71.7814, 40.9500], [-73.7255, 40.9500]]]}
theme {geospatial}
담당자 deepgis
담당자 연락처
제공 기관 State of Connecticut
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