Environmental Sensitivity Index 2002 Polygon

Environmental Sensitivity Index 2002 Set:

This data set contains vector lines representing the shoreline and coastal habitats of Connecticut classified according to the Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) classification system. ESI data characterize the marine and coastal environments and wildlife by their sensitivity to spilled oil. The ESI data include information for three main components: shoreline habitats, sensitive biological resources, and human-use resources.The ESI data were collected, mapped, and digitized to provide environmental data for oil spill planning and response. The Clean Water Act with amendments by the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 requires response plans for immediate and effective protection of sensitive resources.

This data set contains vector polygons representing the shoreline and coastal habitats of Connecticut classified according to the Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) classification system. ESI data characterize the marine and coastal environments and wildlife by their sensitivity to spilled oil. The ESI data include information for three main components: shoreline habitats, sensitive biological resources, and human-use resources. The ESI data were collected, mapped, and digitized to provide environmental data for oil spill planning and response. The Clean Water Act with amendments by the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 requires response plans for immediate and effective protection of sensitive resources.


CKAN dataset id 50a310fb-80ef-49d7-a2df-742de573255a
상태 active
url https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/environmental-sensitivity-index-2002-polygon-f8b98
버전 2024-02-09
라이선스 cc-zero
accessLevel public
catalog_@context https://project-open-data.cio.gov/v1.1/schema/catalog.jsonld
catalog_@id https://data.ct.gov/data.json
catalog_conformsTo https://project-open-data.cio.gov/v1.1/schema
catalog_describedBy https://project-open-data.cio.gov/v1.1/schema/catalog.json
harvest_object_id 5e463963-627d-4342-a926-c131b671cd67
harvest_source_id 36c82f29-4f54-495e-a878-2c07320bf10c
harvest_source_title Connecticut Data.json
identifier https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=c31de0d70b3747e4a6f41005eb0b8baf&sublayer=1
issued 2,019-10-18
landingPage https://geodata.ct.gov/maps/CTDEEP::environmental-sensitivity-index-2002-polygon
license http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0
metadata_type geospatial
modified 2,019-10-18
old-spatial -73.6582,40.9805,-71.8252,41.7246
publisher Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
resource-type Dataset
source_datajson_identifier true
source_hash b5414945c3903fa86bee83a15ccf3a0609c754f753e1a26a9bde57e4a6df38d0
source_schema_version 1.1
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-73.6582, 40.9805], [-73.6582, 41.7246], [-71.8252, 41.7246], [-71.8252, 40.9805], [-73.6582, 40.9805]]]}
theme {geospatial}
담당자 deepgis
담당자 연락처 deep.helpdesk.footprints@ct.gov
제공 기관 State of Connecticut
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