DOHMH COVID-19 Antibody-by-Week

This dataset contains information on antibody testing for COVID-19: the number of people who received a test, the number of people with positive results, the percentage of people tested who tested positive, and the rate of testing per 100,000 people, stratified by week of testing.
These data can also be accessed here:

Exposure to COVID-19 can be detected by measuring antibodies to the disease in a person’s blood, which can indicate that a person may have had an immune response to the virus. Antibodies are proteins produced by the body’s immune system that can be found in the blood. People can test positive for antibodies after they have been exposed, sometimes when they no longer test positive for the virus itself. It is important to note that the science around COVID-19 antibody tests is evolving rapidly and there is still much uncertainty about what individual antibody test results mean for a single person and what population-level antibody test results mean for understanding the epidemiology of COVID-19 at a population level. These data only provide information on people tested. People receiving an antibody test do not reflect all people in New York City; therefore, these data may not reflect antibody prevalence among all New Yorkers. Increasing instances of screening programs further impact the generalizability of these data, as screening programs influence who and how many people are tested over time. Examples of screening programs in NYC include: employers screening their workers (e.g., hospitals), and long-term care facilities screening their residents.

In addition, there may be potential biases toward people receiving an antibody test who have a positive result because people who were previously ill are preferentially seeking testing, in addition to the testing of persons with higher exposure (e.g., health care workers, first responders.)

Rates were calculated using interpolated intercensal population estimates updated in 2019. These rates differ from previously reported rates based on the 2000 Census or previous versions of population estimates. The Health Department produced these population estimates based on estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau and NYC Department of City Planning.

Antibody tests are categorized based on the date of specimen collection and are aggregated by full weeks starting each Sunday and ending on Saturday. For example, a person whose blood was collected for antibody testing on Wednesday, May 6 would be categorized as tested during the week ending May 9. A person tested twice in one week would only be counted once in that week. This dataset includes testing data beginning April 5, 2020.

Data are updated daily, and the dataset preserves historical records and source data changes, so each extract date reflects the current copy of the data as of that date. For example, an extract date of 11/04/2020 and extract date of 11/03/2020 will both contain all records as they were as of that extract date. Without filtering or grouping by extract date, an analysis will almost certainly be miscalculating or counting the same values multiple times. To analyze the most current data, only use the latest extract date. Antibody tests that are missing dates are not included in the dataset; as dates are identified, these events are added. Lags between occurrence and report of cases and tests can be assessed by comparing counts and rates across multiple data extract dates.

For further details, visit: • •


CKAN dataset id 0d2ffd4a-40cf-4874-89be-de7c2b0eb08f
상태 active
버전 2024-02-09
라이선스 notspecified
accessLevel public
harvest_object_id b270021e-6394-456d-a857-0cb42cb317cd
harvest_source_id 1,696,593e-c691-4f61-a696-5dcb9e4c9b4c
harvest_source_title NYC JSON
issued 2,021-04-26
modified 2,024-02-09
resource-type Dataset
source_datajson_identifier true
source_hash e530858a81e8581a148910213324deb176a13d8d0997f8bd4bce07027693eeab
source_schema_version 1.1
담당자 NYC OpenData
담당자 연락처
제공 기관 City of New York
최초 수집 일시 2024-02-20T22:57:20…
최근 수집 일시 2024-02-20T22:57:20…

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