Disability Insurance Applications Filed via the Internet Data Collection

Each dataset provides monthly data at the national level for initial Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) applications filed via the Internet. The dataset includes only SSDI initial receipts. SSDI initial receipt represent a worker in covered employment long enough and recently enough to be "insured", earning paid Social Security taxes. Social Security work credits are based on total yearly wages or self-employment income. The amount needed for a credit change from year to year. The number of work credits needed to qualify for disability benefits depends on age at disability onset. Generally, 40 credits are needed, 20 of which were earned in the last 10 years ending with the year of disability onset.


CKAN dataset id a33bc5ab-5ee1-4cb9-8543-0ce7a8282421
상태 active
url https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/disability-insurance-applications-filed-via-the-internet-data-collection
버전 2024-02-05
라이선스 cc-zero
accessLevel public
accrualPeriodicity R/P1M
bureauCode {016:00}
catalog_conformsTo https://project-open-data.cio.gov/v1.1/schema
catalog_describedBy https://project-open-data.cio.gov/v1.1/schema/catalog.json
collection_metadata true
harvest_object_id d4b95b37-209a-4d1b-bb6d-0a2992076c02
harvest_source_id 9,386,406b-a7b0-4834-a267-0f912b6340db
harvest_source_title SSA JSON
identifier US-GOV-SSA-2247
license https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
modified R/P1M
programCode {016:000}
publisher Social Security Administration
resource-type Dataset
source_datajson_identifier true
source_hash b975145aec10b52c5c895e7cc950a0dcfcbc4ae08b702c138ae41591b123e33b
source_schema_version 1.1
temporal R/2007-10-01/P1M
담당자 Open Data
담당자 연락처 Open.Data@ssa.gov
제공 기관 Social Security Administration
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