"Deepwater CTD - 00369369.bdo.nc - 22.48N, -85.68W - 1962-02-17"

The Minerals Management Service (MMS) of the U. S. Department of the Interior funded the Deepwater Physical Oceanography Reanalysis and Synthesis of Historical Data Study in the Gulf of Mexico. MMS awarded the contract to the Texas A&M Research Foundation in July 1998. The basic study area is bounded by the shelf edge and the 25DGN latitude, which is the southern boundary; it extends from sea surface to sea floor. MMS has four objectives for the study. First is to create an inventory of physical oceanographic data and compile it into a single database on a CD-ROM. Second is to conduct analyses and interpretations of the physical oceanographic data to identify physical processes and phenomena. Third is to produce a climatology of the processes from available data and analyses and to prioritize the processes in terms of importance to improved understanding, simulation, and prediction of deepwater circulation. Fourth is to provide criteria and constraints useful in design of future field observations and numerical modeling efforts. Study results will provide MMS with information needed to direct its resources more efficiently and effectively in the review and assessment of potential environmental impacts of offshore oil and gas operations in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico.


  • Background Information

    Background information from the source

  • Background Information

    Background information from the source

  • Background Information

    Background information from the source

  • Background Information

    Background information from the source

  • Background Information

    Background information from the source

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CKAN dataset id 75725dbb-e98b-4d1e-84b4-b2e6784c7d13
상태 active
url https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/deepwater-ctd-00369369-bdo-nc-22-48n-85-68w-1962-02-17
버전 2024-02-16
라이선스 cc-zero
access_constraints []
bbox-east-long 85.68
bbox-north-lat 22.48
bbox-south-lat 22.48
bbox-west-long 85.68
contact-email mstoessel@ocean.tamu.edu, mkhoward@tamu.edu
coupled-resource [{"title": [], "href": ["#DataIdentification"], "uuid": []}, {"title": [], "href": ["#DataIdentification"], "uuid": []}, {"title": [], "href": ["#DataIdentification"], "uuid": []}]
dataset-reference-date [{"type": "creation", "value": "2002-12-13"}, {"type": "issued", "value": "2002-12-13"}]
guid deepwater_00369369_bdo
harvest_object_id ddddcc3b-f862-4fe4-bc53-553fad5a7e77
harvest_source_id 54e15a6e-6dde-4c9c-a8f0-345cc0dfccfb
harvest_source_title ioos
licence []
lineage files first created on 2002-12-13 14:24
metadata-date 2,024-02-07
metadata-language eng
metadata_type geospatial
old-spatial {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [85.68, 22.48]}
resource-type dataset
responsible-party [{"name": "Texas A&M University, Department of Oceanography", "roles": ["pointOfContact"]}]
spatial {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [85.68, 22.48]}
spatial-data-service-type ERDDAP tabledap
spatial_harvester true
temporal-extent-begin 1,962-02-17T00:53:00Z
temporal-extent-end 1,962-02-17T00:53:00Z
제공 기관 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
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