2017-2021 CEV Findings: National Rates of All Measures from the Current Population Survey Civic Engagement and Volunteering Supplement

The Current Population Survey Civic Engagement and Volunteering (CEV) Supplement is the most robust longitudinal survey about volunteerism and other forms of civic engagement in the United States. Produced by AmeriCorps in partnership with the U.S. Census Bureau, the CEV takes the pulse of our nation’s civic health every two years. The CEV can support evidence-based decision making and efforts to understand how people make a difference in communities across the country.

The findings on this page are based on data collected in September of 2017, 2019, and 2021. All figures are weighted to account for the random selection of eligible respondents and missing data due to nonresponse. They reflect national rates of 17 measures of civic engagement. Please see column descriptions for details.

A spreadsheet with all of these figures is provided as an attachment along with additional resources about the CEV data. Click on "Show More" to view and download.

For the full CEV datasets, please see https://data.americorps.gov/browse?q=cev&sortBy=last_modified&utf8=%E2%9C%93

For more top-line findings from the CEV, please see https://americorps.gov/about/our-impact/volunteering-civic-life


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버전 2024-02-14
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identifier https://data.americorps.gov/api/views/rhng-qtzw
issued 2,023-04-18
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modified 2,024-02-09
old-spatial National
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담당자 CEV Research Team
담당자 연락처 AmeriCorpsCEV@cns.gov
제공 기관 AmeriCorps
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